6 Free Apps to Measure Body Temperature (Android & IOS) in 2024

Are you concerned about monitoring your body temperature and effectively managing fever? In today’s fast-paced world, technology has made it easier than ever to stay on top of our health. And when it comes to measuring body temperature, smartphone apps have become an incredibly convenient and accessible solution. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of monitoring body temperature and managing fever, highlighting the benefits of free apps specifically designed for this purpose. So, if you’re looking for hassle-free ways to track your temperature, stay tuned as we dive into the world of Free Apps to Measure Body Temperature.

6 Free Apps to Measure Body Temperature

Thermo – Smart Fever ManagementDownload
Temperature DiaryDownload
Body Temperature App For FeverDownload
Real ThermometerDownload

1. Thermo – Smart Fever Management

As I delve into the realm of Free Apps to Measure Body Temperature, one app that stands out is Thermo–Smart Fever Management. This app offers an array of features that make it an excellent choice for tracking body temperature and managing fever. Let’s explore what Thermo has to offer!


  • Accurate Temperature Measurement: Thermo utilizes advanced technology to provide accurate temperature readings. With just a simple scan of your forehead, the app quickly detects your body temperature, ensuring reliable results.
  • Fever Tracking: Thermo allows you to track your temperature over time, providing a comprehensive view of your fever patterns. This feature is beneficial for monitoring temperature changes and identifying any anomalies.
  • Temperature History: The app maintains a temperature history log, allowing you to review past readings and track the progress of your fever. This feature helps you keep a record of your temperature fluctuations and enables you to share the data with healthcare professionals if needed.


  • User-Friendly Interface: Thermo boasts a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for anyone to navigate and use the app effortlessly. The intuitive design ensures a seamless experience, even for those who may not be tech-savvy.
  • Fever Alerts: Thermo provides customizable fever alerts, notifying you when your temperature exceeds a certain threshold. This feature is particularly beneficial for parents who want to monitor their child’s fever and take prompt action if necessary.
  • Data Analysis: The app offers data analysis tools, allowing you to gain insights from your temperature history. By analyzing the trends and patterns in your temperature readings, you can better understand your body’s response to fever and make informed decisions.


  • Device Compatibility: Thermo may not be compatible with all smartphone models. Before downloading the app, ensure that your device meets the requirements to avoid any compatibility issues.
  • Accuracy Limitations: While Thermo strives for accuracy, it’s essential to remember that no app can replace professional medical devices entirely. For precise temperature measurements, it’s always recommended to consult a medical professional or use dedicated medical-grade thermometers.

2. Temperature Diary

When it comes to finding Free Apps to Measure Body Temperature, Temperature Diary is a standout choice. This app offers a comprehensive solution for tracking temperature and maintaining a record of your readings. Let’s explore the features and benefits of Temperature Diary!


  • Temperature Tracking: Temperature Diary allows you to record your body temperature at regular intervals. By simply entering your readings manually, you can keep track of your temperature throughout the day.
  • Graphical Representation: The app presents your temperature readings in a graphical format, making it easy to visualize any patterns or trends. This feature helps you identify any fluctuations or changes in your body temperature over time.
  • Customizable Reminders: Temperature Diary offers customizable reminders to prompt you to measure your temperature regularly. This feature is particularly useful for individuals who need frequent temperature monitoring due to health conditions or specific circumstances.


  • Simple and Intuitive: Temperature Diary boasts a simple and intuitive interface that makes temperature tracking hassle-free. The app’s user-friendly design ensures that you can easily enter your readings and navigate through the various features without any confusion.
  • Personalized Notes: The app allows you to add personalized notes alongside your temperature readings. This feature enables you to record any additional information related to your health, symptoms, or medication, providing a more holistic view of your well-being.
  • Data Export: Temperature Diary offers the option to export your temperature data as a CSV file. This functionality allows you to share your temperature records with healthcare professionals or keep a backup of your data for future reference.


  • Manual Entry: Temperature Diary relies on manual entry of temperature readings, which may lead to potential inaccuracies. It’s crucial to ensure that you follow proper measurement techniques and use reliable thermometers to obtain accurate results.
  • Limited Automation: Unlike some other apps that use sensors or wearable devices for temperature measurement, Temperature Diary does not offer automated temperature tracking. This means you need to remember to enter your readings manually, which could be a drawback for those seeking a more hands-off approach.

3. FeverCheck

Looking for a user-friendly app to help you monitor your body temperature and manage fever conveniently? Look no further than FeverCheck! This app is designed to provide you with the necessary tools to stay proactive about your health. Let’s dive into the features and advantages of FeverCheck.


  • Quick Temperature Measurement: FeverCheck allows you to measure your body temperature quickly and easily by using the camera on your smartphone. Simply place your finger on the camera lens, and the app will analyze the thermal data to provide an estimated temperature reading.
  • Fever Tracking: With FeverCheck, you can track your temperature over time, enabling you to monitor any changes or fluctuations. The app provides a graphical representation of your temperature history, helping you visualize trends and patterns.
  • Symptom Tracking: FeverCheck offers a symptom-tracking feature, allowing you to record and monitor any symptoms associated with your fever. This feature helps you gain a better understanding of how your body is responding to the fever and provides valuable information for healthcare professionals if needed.


  • Convenience: The ease of temperature measurement using FeverCheck makes it a convenient option for on-the-go monitoring. With just a smartphone and your finger, you can obtain an estimated temperature reading without the need for additional devices or accessories.
  • User-Friendly Interface: FeverCheck features a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate. The app provides clear instructions for temperature measurement, making it accessible to users of all ages and technological abilities.
  • Data Sharing: FeverCheck allows you to share your temperature and symptom data with healthcare professionals or family members. This feature facilitates communication and collaboration, ensuring that the necessary parties are informed about your health status.


  • Accuracy Limitations: It’s important to note that FeverCheck provides estimated temperature readings based on thermal data analysis. While it can be a useful tool for quick temperature checks, it may not offer the same level of accuracy as traditional thermometers or medical-grade devices.
  • Reliance on Camera: FeverCheck relies on your smartphone’s camera to measure temperature, which means external factors such as lighting conditions and camera quality can potentially impact the accuracy of the readings. It’s essential to use the app in well-lit environments and follow the instructions carefully for optimal results.

4. Body Temperature App For Fever

When it comes to finding Free Apps to Measure Body Temperature, one app that stands out for its accuracy and reliability is iThermonitor. This app is specifically designed to help you monitor body temperature during episodes of fever. Let’s explore the features and benefits of iThermonitor!


  • Non-Contact Temperature Measurement: iThermonitor utilizes advanced infrared technology to measure your body temperature without the need for direct contact. Simply point the app towards your forehead, and it will provide an accurate temperature reading within seconds. This feature is particularly useful for individuals who want to avoid physical contact during fever monitoring.
  • Fever Tracking and Alerts: iThermonitor allows you to track your temperature over time and set personalized fever thresholds. The app will send you alerts if your temperature exceeds the predefined limits, enabling you to take appropriate action promptly. This feature helps you stay proactive in managing your fever and seek medical attention if necessary.
  • Data Analysis and Sharing: The app provides detailed data analysis of your temperature history, allowing you to identify patterns and trends. You can also share your temperature records with healthcare professionals or family members, facilitating better communication and collaboration in managing your health.


  • Accurate and Reliable: iThermonitor utilizes advanced infrared technology to provide accurate temperature readings. Numerous users have reported the app’s reliability in delivering precise results, making it a trustworthy tool for fever monitoring.
  • Non-Invasive and Hygienic: The non-contact measurement method of iThermonitor ensures a hygienic and non-invasive experience. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals who are sensitive to physical contact or those who need to monitor their temperature regularly.
  • User-Friendly Interface: iThermonitor features a user-friendly interface with clear instructions for temperature measurement. The app is easy to navigate, making it accessible to users of all ages and technological abilities.


  • Device Compatibility: iThermonitor requires a smartphone with an infrared sensor to accurately measure body temperature. Not all smartphones have this feature, so it’s important to check the compatibility before downloading the app.
  • App Reliability: While iThermonitor has received positive reviews for its accuracy, some users have reported occasional glitches or inconsistencies. It’s advisable to use the app as a supplementary tool and consult healthcare professionals or use medical-grade devices for critical temperature measurements.

5. iThermonitor

When it comes to finding Free Apps to Measure Body Temperature, iThermonitor is one of the top choices that I highly recommend. This app provides a convenient and accurate way to monitor body temperature, especially during episodes of fever. Let’s explore the features and benefits of iThermonitor!


  • Non-Contact Temperature Measurement: iThermonitor uses advanced infrared technology to measure body temperature without the need for direct contact with the skin. By simply pointing the app towards your forehead, it can provide an accurate temperature reading within seconds. This feature is particularly useful for individuals who want to avoid physical contact during fever monitoring.
  • Fever Tracking and Alerts: iThermonitor allows you to track your temperature over time and set customized fever thresholds. The app will send you alerts if your temperature exceeds the predefined limits, enabling you to take prompt action. This feature helps you stay proactive in managing your fever and seek medical attention if necessary.
  • Data Analysis and Sharing: With iThermonitor, you can analyze your temperature history and identify patterns or trends. The app provides detailed data analysis, allowing you to track changes in your body’s response to fever. Additionally, you have the option to share your temperature records with healthcare professionals or family members, promoting better communication and collaboration in managing your health.


  • Accurate and Reliable: iThermonitor utilizes advanced infrared technology to provide accurate temperature readings. Many users have reported the app’s reliability in delivering precise results, making it a trustworthy tool for fever monitoring.
  • Non-Invasive and Hygienic: The non-contact measurement method of iThermonitor ensures a hygienic and non-invasive experience. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals who are sensitive to physical contact or those who need to monitor their temperature regularly.
  • User-Friendly Interface: iThermonitor features a user-friendly interface with clear instructions for temperature measurement. The app is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, making it accessible to users of all ages.


  • Device Compatibility: It’s important to note that iThermonitor requires a smartphone with an infrared sensor to accurately measure body temperature. Not all smartphones have this feature, so it’s crucial to check the compatibility before downloading the app.
  • App Reliability: While iThermonitor has received positive reviews for its accuracy, some users have reported occasional glitches or inconsistencies. It’s advisable to use the app as a supplementary tool and consult healthcare professionals or use medical-grade devices for critical temperature measurements.

6. Real Thermometer

When it comes to seeking Free Apps to Measure Body Temperature, Real Thermometer is a highly recommended option. This app offers a convenient and accurate way to monitor your body temperature using your smartphone. Let’s delve into the features and benefits of a Real Thermometer!


  • Temperature Measurement: Real Thermometer utilizes the built-in temperature sensor of your smartphone to measure your body temperature. Simply place the sensor near your forehead or under your armpit, and the app will provide a quick and reliable reading. This feature allows you to monitor your temperature without the need for additional devices or thermometers.
  • Fever Tracking and History: Real Thermometer enables you to track your temperature over time and maintains a history of your readings. This allows you to monitor the progression of your fever and share the data with healthcare professionals if needed. Tracking your temperature history can also help you identify patterns or changes in your body’s response to fever.
  • Temperature Alerts: You can set personalized temperature thresholds in Real Thermometer, and the app will notify you when your temperature exceeds these limits. This feature is helpful for early detection of fever spikes and prompt action, such as seeking medical attention or taking appropriate medication.


  • Convenience and Accessibility: Real Thermometer offers a convenient and accessible way to monitor your body temperature using your smartphone. The app eliminates the need for separate thermometers and allows you to track your temperature anytime, anywhere.
  • Cost-effective: By utilizing your smartphone’s built-in temperature sensor, Real Thermometer eliminates the need for purchasing additional devices. This makes it a cost-effective option for individuals who want to monitor their temperature regularly without investing in dedicated thermometers.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Real Thermometer features a user-friendly interface with clear instructions for temperature measurement. The app is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring a seamless experience for users of all ages.


  • Accuracy Limitations: While Real Thermometer provides a convenient way to measure body temperature, it’s important to note that smartphone sensors may have limitations compared to medical-grade thermometers. The accuracy of temperature readings may vary, and it’s advisable to consult healthcare professionals or use dedicated devices for critical measurements.
  • Device Compatibility: Real Thermometer requires a smartphone with a built-in temperature sensor to accurately measure body temperature. Not all smartphones have this feature, so it’s crucial to check the compatibility before downloading the app.


1. Can I use a free app to measure body temperature accurately? 

Free apps can provide temperature estimates, but for precise measurements, it’s advisable to use dedicated medical devices or consult healthcare professionals.

2. Do all smartphones have built-in temperature sensors for temperature measurement apps? No, not all smartphones have built-in temperature sensors. It’s important to check the device specifications before relying on temperature measurement apps.

3. How reliable are free apps in measuring body temperature? 

Free apps can provide a general idea of body temperature, but for critical measurements, medical-grade devices are more reliable and accurate.

4. Can I rely solely on a free app to track my fever? 

While free apps can help monitor fever trends, it’s always recommended to consult healthcare professionals for accurate diagnosis and guidance.

5. Are there any privacy concerns when using free temperature measurement apps? 

It’s advisable to review the privacy policy of the app before using it. Ensure that your data is handled securely and only used for intended purposes.


To wrap it up, we’ve explored the significance of monitoring body temperature and effectively managing fever. Thanks to the power of technology, we now have a range of free apps at our fingertips that make this process more convenient than ever. Whether you opt for the accuracy of the Thermo app or the user-friendly interface of FeverCheck, these Free Apps to Measure Body Temperature offer a variety of features to help you stay proactive about your health. So, why not give them a try? Download one of these apps today and take charge of your well-being.

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